It’s not too often we encounter keen gardeners who think their garden is too big. Once the gardening bug bites we’re always looking for more space in which to fit some home grown produce, new gadgets, a gorgeous new plant or focal point or simply to add colour and scent to our outdoor environment. However, there are always ways of squeezing more space out of your garden and this time we have looked to the skies for a solution. It’s the roof garden!
The roof garden is becoming more and more popular these days and not only can they be a great way to gain some extra space but they can convert a functional necessity into a stunning feature and can even help fight global warming. You need to take several factors into consideration first but there are simple methods you can use to create a little haven on your roof, balcony or even on a phone box.
There are two basic types of roof garden. A “green roof” is a roof or decking onto which plants are intentionally grown or wildlife is intentionally encouraged (so your old garage roof that’s sprouting moss or ferns doesn’t count!) This type is also called an “extensive roof garden.” These are often in inaccessible areas and aren’t normally walked upon. An “intensive roof garden” can be anything you design them to be (just like a normal garden) and are meant for us to sit in and enjoy or use to grow produce.
We created a wildlife friendly green roof at Vialii Towers last year
You can plant to encourage all sort of wildlife in your roof garden!
Sounds great so far, what specific things would we need to think about?
Green roofs can sound a bit daunting but they needn’t be. If you plan your roof garden or green roof it will be easy to maintain.
Our green roof now that the plants are established
Of course your job is easier if you pick the right sort of plants to grow. Hardy or indigenous plants with shallow roots are best suited to braving the weather.
Ideal choices for green roofs:
Ideal choices for roof gardens:
Hopefully we’re converting you to the merits of a green roof or roof garden. For a bit more inspiration, why not visit one of these great examples:
New Lanark
This imaginatively designed garden contains decorative planting with more than 70 different plants & shrubs that provide year round interest on the 9,000 sq ft roof. There is also a central water feature and sculptures within Scotland’s largest rooftop garden.
Lulu getting some inspiration at New Lanark
Birmingham library
The new library opened in 2013 and has 2 roof garden terraces. The 3rd floor terrace has a produce growing area for local residents to get involved. The 7th floor terrace houses the Secret Garden, a quieter area with denser planting for more contemplative moments.
Derry and Toms
London’s oldest roof garden originally opened above the Derry & Toms department store in 1938. It’s 100ft above street level and contains ponds, bridges, walks, trees, shrubs and seating areas within its 1.5 acres. It’s now part of Richard Branson’s Virgin group.
So roof gardens and green roofs can be as extravagant or simple as you wish. And any design will help reduce global warming as well as give you endless pleasure. If you’d like to explore the possibility of establishing a green roof or a roof garden please get in touch. We are happy to meet with you to discuss your requirements and options.
Best wishes,
All at Vialii