Normally we are adorning your garden with beautiful planting, patios, pergolas and water features. But at this time of year our minds turn to how we can tastefully make your house stand out in the festive crowd. Here’s our guide to the best outdoor Christmas decorations…
You will no doubt be in and out your door several times a day and if you’re anything like us there will be couriers galore coming backwards and forwards so make sure you add a wreath and make it look really pretty. Your local florist will be able to supply one but even better, make one yourself. Look out for local classes or follow an online tutorial. A trip to your local woods should give you most of what you need.
Make a festive wreath for your front door this Christmas
Our top tip when it comes to external Christmas lights is to think about the sort of lights which are showing from inside the house and also any outside lights you already have on the home. It’s best to complement those colours so don’t choose cool white external lights if the ones inside your house are warm tones. We love the icicle lights which you can run along the front of the house and if you have a large shrub or a nice tree in your garden make sure you make it twinkle with a few fairy lights too. We also love these sparkle balls you can hang from your trees, available from Argos.
These sparkle balls would make an eye catching display hanging from your tree
It can be difficult to not give in to the temptation of some of the more “fun” Christmas lights. There are lots to choose from and if an inflatable Santa isn’t for you why not opt for an LED reindeer from eBay to brighten up your garden this Christmas. Position them among your shrubs for optimum effect.
An LED reindeer can be fun but still creates a stylish display
If you want to add some sparkle to your balcony or window sills, these lovely LED jam jars from Not on the High Street are the perfect touch…
Pretty LED lights in a jar brighten up a dark balcony
Whatever you opt for, enjoy spending time at home and in your garden this Christmas.