It’s All In A Name

We are regularly asked how we came up with the name Vialii Garden Design. Some people think it’s our surname (we were tempted to change our names by deed poll as it sounds a lot more glamorous than Burt!) but the real reason is simple – it’s the name of one of our favourite flowers, the Primula vialii.

The beautiful primula vialii

The beautiful primula vialii

Primula vialii is a striking plant with its poker shape and lilac base and red tip. They look great planted in groups and make a vibrant splash in the garden in early to mid summer. They work best as a woodland or bog plant and love to be kept moist and like partial shade. They are easy to grow and need little care. They quickly multiply and can be divided later in the year.

Primula vialii look wonderful planted in groups

Primula vialii look wonderful planted in groups

So, once we had the name, we needed to come up with a logo. A friend of ours recommended Margaret Scott, a graphic designer based in Edinburgh. We met with Margaret to explain what we were looking for – we wanted the V of Vialii to look like a stylised Primula vialii. Very quickly Margaret came back with the fabulous logo which you can now see emblazoned on all of our designs, websites, stationery, uniforms, vehicles – you name it, we brand it!

Our Vialii logo

Our Vialii logo

Finally, Margaret also created a stylised plant for us which we use as a footer on stationery, website and dotted here and there.

Our stylised Vialii

Our stylised Vialii

So there you go, a potted history (excuse the pun!) of Vialii.

All at Vialii