Happy new year peeps! It’s that time of year when we are all making new year’s resolutions. Some are vast and some are teeny. Make them realistic is what I say. So with that in mind Family Burt have made their new years resolutions for 2016 and have made them super-easy, garden-related ones to inspire you to get outside in the year ahead…
Time to turn over a new leaf
Well, I LOVE eating fruit! My friends think I am crazy as I would rather have an apple than sweets but, you know, that’s because I’m sweet enough! So this year, my resolution is to grow a new fruit. I am thinking a little pear tree would be cute and I could grow it in a pot. But you could grow all sorts of fruit no matter what space you have. Already we have apple and plum trees but if you have less space why not grow blueberries and gooseberries in pots like me. Or if there is a corner of your garden that no-one uses why not pop a raspberry plant in there and by summer you will have lovely lush fruit. Yum!
I’ve always loved eating the apples in our garden
Well, you are gonna just love Mummy’s resolution for this year. It’s to keep it simple in the garden! With a new extension on the horizon (yup, I have THAT many toys!) 2016 is going to be super busy. So instead of growing lots of plants indoor from seed, transplanting, getting the greenhouse going and so much more, Mummy is focusing on the basics. There will be tatties and onions galore (‘cos they are easy to grow and we eat lots of them!) as well as some other easy veg like beetroot and salad.
Mummy is going to grow more yummy potatoes like these in 2016
My baby sister is almost walking now and by the time Spring is here she will be running around the garden. So her resolution is to get outdoors as much as she can and learn all about nature and feel the grass under her toes. From snail races to bubble popping the garden is going to be so much fun for me and Tilly B this year!
Tilda is planning on lots of outdoor fun in 2016
With our impending extension Daddy will have to make some changes to our outdoor space. The garage is being demolished and will need to be emptied so Daddy is taking that opportunity to do some more upcycling including new sheds for garden storage.
It’s a busy year ahead for Daddy with lots of projects!
So what are your resolutions going to be for 2016?
Lulu xx