Hey, it’s the 1st of December! Did you all remember to open your advent calendars this morning? Me too, it’s fun isn’t it! December doesn’t just mean advent calendars and Christmas wish lists though. The cold weather is upon us and we have to remember and look after our plants. Here are a few jobs to do over the next few days to protect from Jack Frost…
Some plants are a bit tender and need protection from the cold (bit like my baby sister Tilda!) For instance, we have some blueberries in pots which don’t like being too chilly so we have to wrap them up cosy. We have fleece (horticultural fleece, not like your favourite hoody!) bags and we pop our pots inside one of these and tie them up nice and cosy for the winter.
Here’s an ickle me scoffing our blueberries!
If you have other tender/borderline tender plants around the garden, things like tree ferns, some pittosporums, cordyllines etc, then it’s best to protect them too. Wrapping some fleece around them can help a lot. Adding some straw inside the wrapping helps lots too.
Other things you can do to help include:
To save a bit of work over winter in future and to be sure your plants will be safe, there are few things to watch out for:
Frost on evergreens
Lastly, but most importantly, once you have done all that work you can head back indoors to the warmth and wrap yourself up in a big fleecy blanket too!