You may have heard recently, it was pretty big news, I had my 5th birthday! Yes, I am FIVE! To celebrate, me and a few of my besties had a woodland party. If you are looking for something pretty cool to do for your next birthday then read on to find out more about the perfect outdoor party…
On the hunt…
After a LOT of deliberating, I decided on a bush-craft party run by Green Aspirations near Balfron. They are a woodland-based social enterprise with a mission to inspire outdoor learning so we are completely on the same wavelength!
Hanging about being 5!
You can choose what sort of activities you want to do at your party and there are lots to pick from such as den building, bow and arrow making and bush-craft arts. We picked a treasure hunt for our main activity which was loads of fun! We had to find lots of cool “treasures” in the woodland and what a beautiful setting it was too with babbling rivers and carpets of snowdrops everywhere!
A beautiful carpet of snowdrops
We then had to hunt for a box of wood cookies which we then decorated and made into special birthday necklaces which my friends all got to keep and take home with them.
After some yummy snack we then toasted marshmallows on the bonfire which was LOTS of fun.
Finding treasure!
And finally, to thank my friends for coming I gave each of them a cool “Grow Your Own Tiger Stripes” seedbom from Kabloom to help brighten up a gloomy corner somewhere.
A seedbom from Kabloom
Pop along to the website of Green Aspirations to read more about cool party ideas and workshops for everyone to enjoy. There is also the lovely cafe, shop and holistic centre at Tir na nOg to visit while you are there.
Lulu x (aged 5!)