In these extraordinary times, more and more people are finding themselves working from home. “Indoor Vialii” have been largely working from home for years so we reckon we are pretty skilled on that front. So here is the Vialii guide to working from home so you can weather the storm and come out the other side still reasonably sane…
Tempting as it may be to sit in your jammies all day, it won’t help your productivity. Enjoy not having to dress quite as smart as you might have to for the office, but at least wear something you would be happy to wear to the shops (unless you are someone who shops in their PJs!) Dress smart, think smart!
Again, it may be tempting to lounge on the sofa with the laptop, but it won’t be great for your productivity or your posture. Sit at a proper desk or table and make sure you have a comfortable chair. Ideally have your work station in a separate room from your main living area where you can close the door at the end of the day so you can then put your feet up and relax.
Set up a good work station. Maybe don’t have a dog on your knee though, reduces productivity somewhat!
Now this bit can be tricky. At least when you are at the office you are limited to the healthy packed lunch you brought in (unless you work next door to McDonalds!) Limit the tea and biscuits and opt for healthy snack and lunch options. The aim is not to come out of this crisis 4 stone heavier!
This bit is crucial to your mental health. Take regular breaks and go outside. It might be sitting out in the garden or taking the dog for an hour’s walk up the hills. Getting some fresh air and a break from work will help productivity and how you are feeling.
Walking the dog is one of my most favourite parts of the working day. great to blow away the cobwebs and reset the brain. Definitely get outdoors, even if it’s just ten minutes weeding the garden.
Creating a schedule is really helpful. Have times when you switch off your phone. Don’t get distracted by the TV just because you can. Especially just now with the constant news bulletins. Schedule those all important breaks. Working from home is great as it means you can nip to the shops or hang out the washing. Just make sure you set time aside for those things and they don’t get in the way of your work.
Take a break, read a magazine, have a cuppa. Don’t eat too many biccies though!
Working from home can get lonely sometimes so it’s important you stay in touch with colleagues, people in your sector and friends. These days that is easier than ever with apps such as Zoom, Whats App and Skype allowing free video calls. Mental health is crucial and taking time to have a chat with others definitely helps.
And most of all, stay safe. We will get through this by looking out for each other, staying positive and being supportive.
Take care
All at Vialii