Did you know that it’s national conker day today? It’s also the day of the World Conker Championship. What better excuse to go out conker hunting as well as making a lovely choccy version of the conker…
Bonkers about conkers!
As well as playing with the conkers, you can also make chocolate conkers to share with your friends.
You will need:
To make:
1. Put the biscuits in a plastic food bag and smash with a rolling pin until they are crumbs (if you have a food processor use it instead as it will be a lot faster.)
2. Put the cream cheese in a bowl and gradually mix in the biscuit crumbs, stirring it really well until everything has combined.
3. Shape the mixture into small conker.
4. Put the ‘conkers’ on a tray lined with greaseproof paper and put them in the fridge for
least two hours to chill.
5. Melt the chocolate in a bowl and dip the chilled ‘conkers’ into it making sure they’re fully coated (for different shades of brown, dip some in milk chocolate and some in dark.)
6. Set them out on a tray lined with greaseproof paper and put them back in the fridge for the chocolate to set.
7. You can leave your chocolate conkers as they are, or make a spiky green outer shell out of marzipan (dyed with food colouring).
Chocolate conkers, yum!
There you have it, yummy conkers. Just don’t mix them up with your real conkers as they won’t last long on a bit of string! And the real ones won’t taste nice, even covered in chocolate.
Hugs & kisses,
1. You can also use ginger nuts, they are yummy in this recipe.
2. A big thank you to Nature Detectives for the chocolate conker idea.