Sunday, 24 January 2010
These days its hard to escape from the media talking about one of two things – the credit crunch or green issues. Both affect us all so wouldn’t it be great to have a hobby which distracted us from the depressing news whilst directly tackled both issues? Well now you can with a home allotment!
The Vialii home allotment, hidden in a corner of our garden
You may have always dreamt of a veg patch but thought you didn’t have the space or didn’t want to ruin the look of your lovely garden. Or maybe you would love your own allotment but waiting lists are just way too long.
A home allotment could be the answer to all your problems. First of all, a home allotment doesn’t need to be a dreary veg patch tucked into a corner of your garden. Forget rectangles of earth with row after row of veg – yes they may provide some lovely home grown veg but aesthetically its far from inspiring.
Our home allotment has raised beds and a home made compost bin to match
Home allotments can be designed to suit your needs. Perhaps you want to incorporate trendy raised beds made from chunky timber sleepers. Not only are they lovely to look at they are also easy to use. They are at a height which means you don’t have to bend so much and the sleeper edges gives you somewhere to sit whilst you tend to your plants or simply to sit, relax and enjoy. The beds are easy to build and can be designed to fit whatever space you have. Consider adding a bespoke compost heap alongside and a water butt for easy (and eco-friendly) watering.
Our raised beds are easy to tend as we can sit while we work
If you don’t want a dedicated area for veg then why not consider incorporating veg into your borders. Some veg and herbs such as swiss chard, chives and courgettes can be grown purely for ornamental purposes anyway. And how lovely to find a cabbage popping up amongst your perennials!
Raised beds are the perfect height for kids to help out
But don’t despair if you have limited space as your home allotment can be incorporated into any space. Veg and herbs can be planted in containers, compost bags, troughs – pretty much whatever space you have available. Indeed this can be an even better way to grow veg as you can ensure the growing conditions are perfect for the plant you are growing.
Our potato harvest
Whatever your space or aspiration, make it the vegetable crunch this year not the credit crunch! For further advice on how to create your own home allotment please get in touch.
Thanks for reading.
All at Vialii