It’s Friday the 13th and for those who are superstitious it’s a day for hiding indoors. We all know the most common superstitions such as “don’t walk under a ladder” or “a broken mirror will bring bad luck” but did you know that these plants are said to be unlucky for some…
Dandelions are a common sight in gardens and children love to blow their “clocks”. But did you know that superstition says that bringing dandelions into the house can cause you to wet the bed! It may be because their leaves can be a diaretic if you eat too many. Find out more about the dandelion in our Weedipedia.
Bringing dandelions indoors is said to be unlucky
The Hawthorn is said to be unlucky. It may be due to its blossom being linked to Pagan festivals in the past and thus being forbidden by the Christian church.
It was considered unlucky to take the blossom from any fruit tree in to the house and to be honest we understand this one as by picking blossom you will end up with less fruit on your tree. Back in the days when you relied on growing your own food this would be a big deal.
The blossom on our apple tree will be staying where it is!
Ajuga is a ground cover plant with pretty blue flowers in spring or summer. Yet this simple little flower is said to cause a fire if taken into a house!
It’s not unlucky to have a rowan tree as they are said to ward off witches. But remove or damage one at your peril…
Plants with white flowers in general are frequently considered unlucky plants and are commonly thought that they bring death.
We hope your Friday 13th bucks tradition and is full of luck. Next time maybe pick up that penny just to be sure!