Funny Pets In The Garden – Part 2

You all loved my first blog on the funny pets we have come across in gardens. So by popular demand I have written a second blog on this very cute & cuddly subject. Hee hee, they make me laugh every time I look at them 🙂 Funny Pets in the Garden – Part 2:

This is the doggy which my good friend Georgia’s Mummy & Daddy used to have. His name is Murdo and he is very handsome! They now have another doggy called Sandy who I like to visit. Here is Murdo who has found a cool spot in the garden to sit:

Murdo was a "hot dog" so found a place in the shade to sit!

Murdo was a “hot dog” so found a place in the shade to sit!

Here we have my lovely friend Ruby. I have known her since she was teeny tiny. She is super cute! Here she is deciding that today she will have a picnic in her lovely garden:

 Ruby demands an alfresco lunch!

Ruby demands an alfresco lunch!

More doggies. This time it’s Simba and Harley who belong to Honor, Hope and Kai. I think they are practising their ballet moves together here!:

 Simba and Harley practise their  ballet moves

Simba helps Harley to perfect his”en pointe”!

Here’s a funny photos of Jasper who used to live next door to me. He’s really a Labradoodle but Calum decided Jasper was going to be a horsey instead!:

Gee up Jasper!

Gee up Jasper!


And finally, one last photo, again of Fudge. Whilst she isn’t in the garden this time, this photo was taken when it was really bad weather one winter. Daddy couldn’t get out into the garden so he stayed inside to do some work and Fudgey-doo-dee (and a funny beard) kept him warm!:

   I'm not sure who is hairier in this photo, Daddy or Fudgey!

I’m not sure who is hairier in this photo, Daddy or Fudgey!

If you have funny photos of animals in your garden please get in touch, I would love to see them and share them on my blog.


Sssshhhh. Lulu’s Secret Blog…

Mwahahahaha! My name is Lulu and I’ve taken over this blog from my mummy & daddy. They don’t know that I’ve commandeered it, in fact they don’t know that I know anything about blogging. You see, I’m only 17 months old and they clearly underestimate my technology skills so I’ve decided that I’ll be keeping this blog up to date from now on.
Hi, I'm Lulu and this is my blog

Hi, I’m Lulu and this is my blog

So what’ll I write about? Well, mummy & daddy (from now on I’ll refer to them as M&D) run two gardening businesses and love everything to do with gardens so from a very young age (I’m a big girl now, did I tell you I was 17 months old??) I have been out & about in gardens whether it be visiting them, tending to them or even designing them! The long & short of it is I’m beginning to garner quite a nice set of green fingers (and not just from my crayons) so I thought I’d use this blog to share the things I enjoy doing or the things I learn. I’ll show you pics of the gardens we visit (M&D are always taking pics of me so I’ll have plenty to choose from!) and tell you fun ideas for things to do with your mummies & daddies & friends in your garden. Sometimes I will give you advice and tell you things that only experts like me normally know but mummy says it’s important to share so that’s what I’m gonna do.

Anyway, I’ve introduced myself now and I hope you find what I post of interest. If you like things here then please share this with your friends. Just don’t tell M&D what I’m doing…
