It’s time for our annual recommendations for cool gifts to give to your loved one this Christmas which will brighten up your garden, appeal to wildlife, satisfy your tummy and help with the gardening chores. There is something to suit everyone so read on to find out more..
Get your presents wrapped stylishly at Wrapistry by Cherene
It’s only fair that we share our gardens with the wildlife all around us and why not treat them to a stylish place to dine at the same time? This bird feeder looks great and will be a beautiful feature in any garden and the birds will be delighted too. £29
A stylish way to feed birds in your garden
Orla Kiely is more famous for designing textiles but her designs look great on garden products too including tools and grow your own sets. We love this ‘grow your own chillies set’ which will look great on your windowsill. £19.95
Grow Your Own Chillies
Now this is on our own wish list. This wood fired oven is perfect for cooking pizza, using as a BBQ and even for smoking food. The lovely people at Calido will even throw in a free bag of logs to get your started if you mention Vialii when you order. £199.99
Perfect for pizzas!
And yet another great offer from Calido. We LOVE this globe firepit perfect for keeping you toasty and extending evenings out in the garden. It’s gorgeous red colour and contemporary style makes it a wonderful focal point as well as providing welcome heat on a chilly evening. Remember to quote Vialii when you purchase from Calido to get your free bag of logs. £88.99
Stylish globe firepit
If your loved one has everything they need apart from time then give them one of our unique garden vouchers this Christmas. From lawn treatments or weeding to garden designs and new plants they can choose whatever they want to spend their voucher on and you can choose whatever value you want to put on it. Perfect!
Get in touch to start creating your unique garden voucher
This lovely planter is perfect for growing herbs on your windowsill and can be customised to have whatever stencilled message you like on it. Very sweet. £9.99
Customise your gift
Relaxing in your garden is always important and what better than one of these retro inspired chairs. £37.34
Affordable designer garden chairs
Garden art is a great way of adding a splash of colour and interest into your garden all year round. We love this colourful lizard, perfect for climbing up a garden fence. £14.99
A colourful lizard to add interest to the garden
This two litre watering can not only looks stylish but is really affordable too. £4.40
A colourful watering can at an affordable price
Hopefully we have managed to find some things which will make your Christmas shopping a little bit easier and provide your loved ones with something a bit unusual and stylish to add to their garden this year.
Merry Christmas everyone!
All at Vialii
1. All prices and links correct at time of publication, November 2016.
2. Make your wrapping as cool as these gifts by getting them wrapped by the fabulous Wrapistry by Cherene.