Planters are a great way to add colour and panache to any garden, however big or small. They can also help to deal with all sorts of issues including soil quality, pests, access. But a planter need not be as simple as just a run-of-the-mill pot that you see at the garden centre. From floating planters to upside down pots and even planters that send messages to your smart phone, we have some of the latest, coolest ways to garden…
Growing plants upside down – awesome!
We SO want one of these. LYFE is a zero-gravity growing system allowing you to cultivate your favourite plants in mid-air. Yup, mid air! They are designed in Sweden and use magnetic levitation to literally hover in mid-air. They are currently raising funds through Kickstarter…
The Lyfe planter levitates!
We are currently trialling this revolutionary growing system which allows you to grow fruit, veg and flowers in a limited space using 90% less water than traditional growing methods. It is very stylish too and will look great on a patio, deck or balcony.
Lulu and The Foody
This is a stylish new interconnecting system which you can plant up for culinary or decorative purposes. Create a wonderful vertical garden in your kitchen with year round access to fresh herbs. Maybe have a flower wall in your living room. Or add it to your fence to create a green wall outside. The Plug & Plant even has a sensor which will send a message to your smartphone to tell you when it needs watered! Impressive!
Plug & Plant to create a wonderful vertical garden
Are you bored with your plants going traditionally in pots on the patio? The Sky Planter could be the answer to your dreams. It is a unique pot which grows the plant upside down allowing you to save space and conserve water as well as creating an amazing talk point in your home.
Upside down plants. What a wonderful focal point in a room.
If you have some boring railings which need brightening up then consider the Greenbo Planter. It can fit all shapes of railings up to 10cm wide and is self mounting. It is also non drip and recycles the water too. Plus it comes in gorgeous bright colours!
Brighten up your railings or fence with these gorgeous planters
Hopefully you are feeling inspired to do a bit of gardening and brighten up your own homes.
Thanks for reading
All at Vialii