Free Upcycled Garden Bunting

Our play house bunting was start to look a little sad and faded so we needed something new and colourful to add some pizzazz to the play house. We had been given some plastic wallets recently which we have no use for in the office but we knew they would come in handy for a crafty project sometime. So we decided to turn them into some upcycled garden bunting and create a fun and free addition to the garden. Here’s how…

The playhouse bedecked in its upcycled garden bunting

The playhouse bedecked in its upcycled garden bunting

You will need:

Old plastic wallets can be upcycled into garden bunting

Old plastic wallets can be upcycled into garden bunting

To make:

  1. Make your triangular template using your cardboard, ruler and pencil


Make your cardboard template

Make your cardboard template

2. Draw round your template onto your plastic wallet. We used the bottom of the folder that is joined together as the top of our bunting so that we had double thickness and stronger colour

Make your bunting out of the plastic wallet

Make your bunting out of the plastic wallet

3. Cut out your triangle – we used a scalpel but you could just use scissors. Don’t cut your joined end.

4. Repeat until you had all your bunting made

5. Add your bias binding or string through the middle of each triangle and either sew or staple them down.

You can sew or staple your bunting together

You can sew or staple your bunting together

The bunting looks so pretty and colourful

The bunting looks so pretty and colourful

6. Add to your garden.

Pretty upcycled bunting for the garden

Pretty upcycled bunting for the garden

Aren’t they a pretty addition. We have lots of folders left, I wonder what we will make with them next!

Mama Vialii!