With extra time on our hands we decided to tackle a project we have wanted to do for some time. We collected some lovely pebbles on a holiday last year which we knew would be perfect for decorating. As we are about to plant our veg seeds, plant labels would be required. But why use the same boring labels we write each year? Instead, Lulu & Tilda decided to do their own creations, drawing each vegetable and writing its name beside it. A much prettier solution for knowing what seedling are popping up. Want to try it too? Here’s how to make your own plant labels.
The painted stones are a beautiful addition to the garden
Collate suitable stones to draw on. At the moment we can’t venture far so hopefully you can find some close to home. Or perhaps you could order some pebbles online.
Pull together all the seeds you are planting so you know what labels you are going to need. The packets will help show you what you need to draw. Or do a search online for drawings you can get inspiration from. Do an outline in pencil.
Sketch on your drawing and words in pencil
As these are going to be outside, using acrylic pens or paints will be best.
Lulu and her wonderful Broccoli creation
To protect your drawings from rain and wind, you should varnish them and they will look amazing for years to come. A good external varnish such as a yacht varnish is best
Our talented girls created a beautiful array of plant labels
Sow your seeds and pop your stones in place – don’t they look amazing?
Ready for the seedlings to pop up
This project can be used towards your “Gardener” badge if you are in Cubs or for a Green Blue Peter badge.
Happy crafting!