Darn Good Nature Art

Hey everyone. I went for a fun ramble along the Darn Walk during the school holidays. The Darn Walk if you have never been is a pretty walk along the River Allan which links Bridge of Allan and Dunblane. I decided to collect from nature along the way and make a nature art picture when I got home.

We all enjoyed our ramble along the Darn Walk

We all enjoyed our ramble along the Darn Walk

One of the many cool things to see along the way on the Darn Walk is a cave which is said to have inspired the writer Robert Louis Stevenson for Ben Gunn’s cave in Treasure Island. There is a fab pirate bench beside it too!

Ben Gunn's cave at the Darn Walk

Ben Gunn’s cave at the Darn Walk

We loved playing at the river, collecting treasure, speaking to the horses and watching the golfers on our amble up to Dunblane! I took lots of pics along the way too!

There are lots of wonderful things to photograph along the way

And here’s the horse I made with what I found on the walk. Why don’t you go on a walk, see what you can find and make a picture up with your own treasure!

My nature picture

Happy rambling!

Lulu x

Make Your Own Bird Feeder

It’s been a busy start to 2018 for me as I turned 6 and started going to Beavers. On my very first week there we made a cool bird feeder from an old bottle which made me think I should show you how to make your own bird feeder using some things from around the house. It’s still really cold outside so our feathered friends need as much help as possible and it’s a great craft activity for half term!

Lulu's bird feeder

You will need:

Sainsbury’s Bank Guide to Building a Bottle Bird Feeder

Original image from Money Matters blog (www.sainsburysbank.co.uk/money-matters/ )

To make:

1. Carefully add 2 pairs of holes in the bottle where the pencils will be pushed through. Make sure that each pair of holes are the same height. You may need a grown up to help with making the holes as it can be tricky.

2. Push your pencils/sticks through to make perches for the birds.

3. Add some small holes above each perch so that the birds can access the bird food (not too big though or the seeds will fall out)

4. Tie string round the top which you will use to hang it up

5. Fill with bird seed and put your lid back on (to keep your seed dry)

6. Now it’s ready to hang outside!


We have ours hanging in our apple tree and can see it easily from the house and watch birds coming for their tea!

Enjoy making yours.

Lulu x