Saturday, 27 November 2010
It’s a common misconception that sustainability and being kind to the environment equates to being unkind on the wallet. Here are some ideas of how you can create a stunning…Read More
Friday, 02 July 2010
Bio-diversity. Sustainability. Eco-friendly. They are all buzz-words in the world of gardening as more and more people realise that it can be cool to care. The United Nations have even…Read More
Wednesday, 02 June 2010
We spotted these rather fascinating webs when leaving our local Wickes recently. The shrubs surrounding the car park were covered in them, creating a rather eerie look. Closer inspection revealed…Read More
Sunday, 21 February 2010
As memories of the ice and snow we experienced in January melt away, our thoughts naturally switch to the spring and summer ahead and enjoying the outdoors again. So with…Read More
Sunday, 24 January 2010
These days its hard to escape from the media talking about one of two things – the credit crunch or green issues. Both affect us all so wouldn’t it be…Read More