Wednesday, 23 July 2014
I love butterflies (unlike my Auntie Kathleen!) They are so pretty and great for the garden too. This week we have been releasing butterflies at nursery which is great fun.…Read More
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Here in lovely Scotland the school holidays are well under way and, with other parts of the UK set to follow suit very soon, I have decided to give you…Read More
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Gardens evolve. It’s just what they do. Plants grow. New plants are added. Circumstances change. Paint colours are updated. New focal points are added. It’s part of the beauty of…Read More
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
A preview copy of the newly updated Kenneth Cox book Scotland for Gardeners landed on the door step of Vialii Towers this weekend and, as usual, we didn’t delay in checking it…Read More
Monday, 09 June 2014
Hey everyone. It’s Father’s Day this Sunday which means we all need to be extra nice to our lovely daddies. I think it’s nice to make something personal for Daddy’s…Read More
Wednesday, 04 June 2014
Us gardeners have a lot to deal with in the garden. From slugs and snails to fungal diseases and mossy lawns there is always something for us to fight. But…Read More
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
As you all know I have very green fingers (and not just when I have been painting!) I love trying out the latest plants, products and books on the market…Read More
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Hi everyone! The lovely people at Hawthorn Press recently sent us two of their books to review. I know how you love to read about gardens and things to do…Read More
Monday, 28 April 2014
I just LOVE this time of year. There is pretty blossom sprouting everywhere! In our front garden we have pretty blossom on a tree called Amelanchier ‘Ballerina’ (it was named after…Read More
Monday, 14 April 2014
Hey everybody. Easter is almost here so I decided to combine two of my favourite activities (gardening and doing crafty stuff of course!) and come up with a suitably eggs-citing…Read More
Wednesday, 09 April 2014
Isn’t it wonderful to see the beautiful displays of daffodils at the moment? They seem to be in almost every garden with their nodding, golden heads heralding the start of…Read More
Tuesday, 01 April 2014
Regular readers are well aware that we love a bit of upcycling and are always turning unused items into wonderful new features in our garden. So far we have told…Read More
Monday, 31 March 2014
You have seen in recent weeks I have been busy sowing seeds and getting a good head start for Spring. However, I know some of you maybe don’t have the…Read More
Monday, 24 March 2014
Hellllooooo everyone! I am sure you are all remembering that it’s Mother’s Day this Sunday. I certainly am ‘cos my Mummy is awesome and I will be spoiling her ALL…Read More
Monday, 17 March 2014
Next week a new book will be launched and I was lucky enough to be sent a sneaky preview copy so that I can tell you, my lovely readers, all…Read More
Monday, 10 March 2014
There are so many tips, adages and “old wive’s tales” to do with gardening that a lot of the time you just take it as gospel that it’s the right…Read More
Monday, 03 March 2014
People often say dogs are man’s best friend but not if he is a gardener. I reckon a gardener’s best friend has got to be the ladybird. I love them…Read More
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Hi everybody! It’s less than a month ’til the official start of Spring which is super-exciting! Already plants are pushing through the ground, buds are appearing on shrubs and slowly…Read More
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Despite all we do to make sure our gardens have year round interest, there are times on those bleak winter days when your mind wanders to those glorious days visiting gardens…Read More
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
It looks like Spring hasn’t arrived quite yet but you know me, always desperate to get outside in the garden. There are always jobs to do, whatever time of year…Read More