Tuesday, 10 May 2016
The sun is shining (or at least it was when I wrote this, it is probably snowing now knowing Scotland!) so it’s the perfect time to sow vegetables in the garden. Don’t know what to do? Well, lucky I am here to show you how and to tell you about some wonderful tools I used along the way…
Soon you could have a barrow full of amazing leeks just like mine!
It’s important that you have a weed free veg patch and that you have good quality soil. Add some new compost or fertiliser if you need to.
Weed your veg beds before you start sowing your seeds
Once you are weed free, take a few minutes to make sure your veg beds are nice and flat and even. It’s a bit like making your bed in the morning, you have to make it nice and neat and ready for bedtime! I used my Twigz rake, perfect for this job. Maybe not so much in your real bed though!
Rake out your veg beds and make the nice and even
Not the tool kind silly! It’s a little line in the soil where you can sow your seeds into. Use a cane to help make sure your row is nice and straight.
Make a row to sow your seeds into
Carefully pour some seeds into your hand and sprinkle them into your row, making sure they are evenly sown. Gently cover them over and water them in. If you are sowing seed potatoes or onion sets, gently push them into the soil to the depth stated on the instructions.
This ickle onion will grow nice & big, just like me!
It’s important to remember what you have planted where – you don’t want to be making chips out of your shallots – so make sure you carefully write your vegetable names on a plant marker. I like to draw a picture too – here’s my rocket!!
Zoom zoom, a rocket!
Now you just need to sit back and watch your seedlings pop up. You will need to “thin them” which means removing some of the smaller seedlings and give some bigger ones space to grow. Keep your seedlings water and weed free and before you know it you will be picking fresh veg straight from your garden.
Good tools are the back bone of any good gardener and I have found some wonderful ones to use in my garden. To do all of the above I used:
Twigz do a wonderful range of garden tools for children
I thoroughly recommend the Twigz range of gardening tools for kids. They are great quality and can even last the rigours of a professional like me! They are a little pricier than some alternatives but the quality and durability makes it worth it. They get a big green thumbs up from me!
For more seed sowing inspiration read my other blog Sowing The Seeds of Love.
Love Lulu xx
*Price correct at time of publication