Monday, 21 October 2013
Now is the perfect time of year to get outdoors, plant some bulbs and then sit back and wait for a Spring Spectacle! Here are my top tips for planting…Read More
Monday, 14 October 2013
Most gardener’s don’t like snails but I have a confession to make. I, Lulu Ann Burt love them! There, I said it! ‘Nails (as I call them) are funny creatures…Read More
Monday, 07 October 2013
You all loved my first blog on the funny pets we have come across in gardens. So by popular demand I have written a second blog on this very cute…Read More
Monday, 30 September 2013
It’s the time of year when many of us gardeners are eagerly watching our tomato plants and hoping to see them ripen and give us a bumper crop. I was…Read More
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Hello everyone. It’s been hard work writing these blogs – it takes lots of research and practical work you know! So, after a few of my winning smiles I persuaded…Read More
Monday, 09 September 2013
Hi, Lulu here. You all know that I love gardening but did you know that I love animals too? And best of all I love animals in gardens! Especially when…Read More
Saturday, 31 August 2013
It’s been great fun in the garden in recent weeks with all the yummy things we have been picking. This week, our lovely neighbour, Auntie Muriel, asked us to help…Read More
Monday, 26 August 2013
Potatoes are great, aren’t they? They are a bit like me, wonderfully versatile 😉 As you all know by now, I am Lulu the Secret Blogger, and I like to…Read More
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Earlier this year we blogged some “Before & After” pictures of a few of the gardens we have designed and built. Here are some more of our recent garden transformations… A Room…Read More
Monday, 19 August 2013
I had a really fun weekend here at Vialii Towers with M&D. On Saturday it was really quite wet so we stayed indoors and did lots of fun arty projects…Read More
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Hi, it’s me, Lulu, The Secret Blogger again! So, the bees knees. What a funny saying. I mean, do bees even have knees? And if so, why are they so…Read More
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
For almost three years, local business Vialii Garden Design have been working closely with Bridge of Allan Community Council to create a new design for the village’s Provost Park. Having…Read More
Monday, 12 August 2013
One of the most common problems we come across when we go to see new clients is a sodden lawn and garden drainage issues. And after the Winter we have…Read More
Monday, 05 August 2013
The landscaping side of our business gets a LOT of materials delivered on pallets. Lately we have been giving some thought to what we could use the leftover pallets for. Here are…Read More
Thursday, 01 August 2013
In our recent blog on garden focal points we told you why they are such an important feature in the gardens we design. Here are a few more examples of…Read More
Recently I went on holiday with M&D and my BFF Euan and his parents. It was a brilliant holiday and we spent loads of time at the beach (1) which…Read More
Thursday, 18 July 2013
One of the many tricks a garden designer has up their sleeve is the use of garden focal points. Focal points can: create a journey around the garden, literally leading…Read More
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Hello again everyone and welcome back to my blog. One of the things my BFF Euan (1) has taught me is that food is important and very yummy! I have…Read More
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Mwahahahaha! My name is Lulu and I’ve taken over this blog from my mummy & daddy. They don’t know that I’ve commandeered it, in fact they don’t know that I…Read More
Monday, 29 April 2013
This time last year we were in a bit of a tizzy as we had just had Lulu and every minute was taken up with our new bundle. We just…Read More