
Vialii Review of 2020

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

It’s tempting to not bother doing a review of 2020 – do we really want to look back on this year??? Yet, despite what an awful year it has been…Read More

Beautiful intertwining metal rings

Vialii Guide to Christmas Gardening Gifts 2020

Tuesday, 01 December 2020

With the craziness of 2020, we all deserve something lovely this Christmas. And with us all appreciating our gardens even more than ever this year, why not treat your loved…Read More

The Chesneys Heat & Grill ticks all the boxes

A Garden TransFIREmation!

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

We have always been a big fan of fire-pits. They are much more environmentally friendly than patio heaters and they are multi purpose – use them for BBQs, toasting marshmallows,…Read More

Non pectin raspberry jam - perfectly set!

No Pectin Raspberry Jam Recipe

Tuesday, 06 October 2020

We did a big harvest of raspberries at the weekend, knowing the end is nigh for these beauties. They have served us well with lashings of fresh berries for over…Read More

The V&A is a designer's paradise

Designer Dundee

Saturday, 03 October 2020

We headed North recently for a weekend away to celebrate 10 years of marriage. We had planned to visit Dundee back in May but Covid-19 put paid to those plans.…Read More

Garden Visit: Cowden Japanese Garden

Monday, 28 September 2020

We celebrated 10 years of marriage this week and decided to treat ourself to a day off work – but not a day off gardens as we love them so…Read More

Beetroot & Chickpea Recipe

Beetroot, Chickpea & Feta Salad Recipe

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

We have lots of lovely beetroot growing in our garden and are always looking for new and interesting things to do with it. We came across this tasty recipe for…Read More

A Terraced Garden Makeover

Monday, 24 August 2020

Our clients in Stirling have a sloping garden which wasn’t practical for their young family so they got in touch with us asking for some help to make the garden…Read More

Beautiful Broccoli

Monday, 03 August 2020

Back at the beginning of Lockdown, like many of you, we started down the road of sowing seeds. Now, a few months on, we are seeing the fruits (and veg!)…Read More

Garden Visit: Glenwhan Gardens

Monday, 27 July 2020

On our recent staycation to the South-West of Scotland we couldn’t resist a garden visit. We decided to head to a garden we last visited around 8 years ago –…Read More

Fill your bug hotel with lots of things for creepy crawlies to hide in

How To Make A Bug Hotel

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Bug hotels are a wonderful additions to any garden. They can be made with lots of things you can find in your garden or on a walk round the woods.…Read More

Lulu, Tilda and Bob!

How To Make A Scarecrow

Monday, 15 June 2020

With your veggie patches full of promise, the last thing you need is for pesky birds to steal your treasures! A fun way to keep those pests at bay is…Read More

The completed picture - well done Tilda, it looks amazing!

Make Your Own Leaf Art

Tuesday, 09 June 2020

Like many of us, we have been finding lots of fun new projects to try with the kids as part of their home schooling. Ones which combine learning and nature…Read More

Keep your broccoli covered with netting to protect the leaves from being eaten by caterpillars

Gardening Out of Lockdown

Monday, 01 June 2020

As we ease our way gently out of lockdown, we will ease our way out of our weekly updates on our own garden going forward. We’ll keep you posted through…Read More

Rhubarb Friands Recipe

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

After the popularity of our recent Rhubarb & Lemon Cake recipe, we thought we would share another favourite rhubarb recipe of ours. Friands are bite sized delights – small enough…Read More

Alliums are looking amazing in our garden at the moment

Gardening During Lockdown – Week 9

Monday, 25 May 2020

Week 9 has been a week of extreme weathers, with scorching hot sunshine and paddling pools to battening down the hatches in the storms. We did manage to fit in…Read More

Feed blueberries in early and late spring with an ericaceous feed

Gardening During Lockdown – Week 8

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

The beauty of lockdown is that we get to spend a lot more time in our gardens! Ours has never looked so good (if you don’t look at the grass!)…Read More

Rhubarb & Lemon Cake Recipe

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

We discovered this recipe several years ago and has been a firm favourite ever since. At this time of year we have plenty rhubarb in the garden and are always…Read More

Afternoon tea in the sunshine - it doesn't get much better than that!

Gardening During Lockdown – Week 7

Monday, 11 May 2020

The weeks keep on ticking past. We are so lovely to have a garden to help pass the time, to relax and eat in and to just enjoy nature. The…Read More

Enjoy uour spring bulbs - our tulips look beautiful just now

Gardening During Lockdown – Week 6

Monday, 04 May 2020

Another week and lots more sunshine (and thankfully for the gardens a wee bit rain!) Everything is sprouting at quite a rate so there are plenty of jobs to keep…Read More

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Welcome to the musings, amusings, the rantings and ravings, the mutterings and stutterings of our Vialii Monologues blog. Here we’ll try to keep you abreast of all things Vialii along with our perspective on the latest trends in garden design.

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